
Introducing Brian Summers: CYP Youth Worker

Throughout my adult life I have worked with children and young people in many different capacities. I really enjoy working with youth because they never fail to bring enthusiasm and energy. I also really enjoy helping young people to explore their thoughts on God and I am happy to be in a role now where that is encouraged.

I have really enjoyed the first couple of sessions I have run so far, and from the responses they have given from them they have enjoyed it too. I have decided to stick to familiar formats for the time being.

The Tuesday and Wednesday club will run very similarly to way the way they were before with slightly different variations. I will be gathering ideas of things we can do differently in September by speaking to the attendees and having them fill out a survey. I have also posted a link on our Facebook page for the survey to give everyone, even if they don’t attend the club, the opportunity to voice their opinion.


Brian Summers

CYP Youth Worker

We cover Coggeshall, supported by the churches of this village